Eating Healthy is one of the Simplest life tasks to do; Yet is the most Difficult to Accomplish! To eat healthy, to lose weight, to aid the healing of ailments, to strengthen the body, to raise body energy, to bring body systems up to working, functioning, and maintaining a healthy body; You must feed the body nutrients that it needs. Living Nutrients is the fuel for the body. Nutrients consist of water, vit. min. fiber,... And to really feed the body what it needs, one must intake these foods (nutrients) at one sitting. Hmmmmmm how do we do that? It has to be raw to be living nutrition. That would be an awful lot of food to eat.
Finding high nutritional values in foods; combining them for greater synergy; making them taste good; creating real foods that have values to feed All Body Systems, is where Live Life Differently comes in. A company created, For the People, to create foods for our Health.
Consistency of intake causes Health to Happen Fast ! It is unbelievable how fast our body reacts to God Given Foods in Living Form. Live Food, Live Body. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
If you want to lose weight, you have to feed ur body. If you want ailments to heal, you have to feed ur body.
Don't go changing ur whole lifestyle either. Make haste slowly; the body reacts best that way. ALWAYS START WITH 2 WKS OF ADDING MORE WATER WATER DRINKING.
Then start adding living foods to ur diet. NOTE: I said ADD to ur diet. Allow ur body to start using nutrients and getting use to having them; and the body will begin to let loose of held or stored fats, toxins, sludge....KEEP DRINKING WATER HELP UR BODY FLUSH OUT STUFF.
So, this is what happens: Eating Life Force Foods (LFF) with well rounded values, almost instantly, satisfies the body's needs and signals the brain and hunger is no more. The body will click into hunger again, so take a few more bites. It is unbelievable how little (food bulk) the body needs.
The best way to change ur body is to MAKE HASTE SLOWLY The body will automatically not want for what it does not need. Don't stress ur self; Believe It, Your body will take care of it ALL.
Just be consistent with Water intake and ADDING Life Force Foods to ur diet. Huge Huge Huge difference in a matter of days and Greater in a matter of a few months. Key is consistency.
I only have dehydrated foods and herbal teas to offer online. "Project Drive Thru" is the way for fresh LFF to also be served. Keeping it simple with meals and drinks that feed the body. Excellent for people to be consistent with intake; Children TOO! Check out "Project Drive Thru" it will only come about, because the People of this Nation wants a "Choice of Food". It will be Our Donated Dollar (s) that will create "The People's Choice" into reality. We need it now folks. Check it out; Spread the WORD!
So, let me tell you of the Herbal Teas. When using Herbs only (no tea leaf) it's called an Infusion; when tea leaf is added, it's an Herbal Tea.
Herbal is considered Raw Food (LFF) source. Educated and Certified in Herbal Medicine; It was simple to see how to combine herbs for safe, and natural food supplement, and feeding all body system and to include extra herbs for targeted issues. Hmmmmmmmm I started researching the herbs and created Herbal Teas that do just that; Feed All Body Systems. They are light in flavor, beautiful aromas and with a few drinks; satisfies the body; Hunger gone, energy up. Awesome stuff.
I had to change some of my herbal recipes; I can't call them formulas...that's a medical term. I had to change some due to FDA not allowing certain AWESOME HERBS to be used.
There is alot against herbs...of course....we are guided to think that....WELL CHECK THEM OUT FOLKS! The way of the World will lead you the wrong way...Herbs go above and beyond Awesome. God's natural Food Source; Don't let mankind guide you in the wrong direction.
I drink all of the Herbal Teas (Infusions), so do my grandsons & family. You can mix them too. 1 teaspoon in a French Press (FP) can be reused. Fill the FP 3 - 4 more times with hot water. If tea leaf is in the mix, you may lose color; but the Herbs keep on giving nutritional values. I drink it all day; hot or cold.. That's how I know about Hunger Gone; Energy Up; it's how the body reacts to being fed. Energy is up, but not unbalanced. Makes the day so much better. When feeding the body, Health is not just weight/ailment/disease; it also brings mental clarity and balance. It also seems to "open doors within the mind" so to speak; like internal life connection and understanding of...(personal knowings) ... understanding seems to calm us and allow icks to fall away. Feeding the body, I believe dissolves the veil of delusion of many aspects of life as we thought we new of it. Truth will always overwhelm and dissolve a Lie. GOD GIVEN SIMPLE
FOODS brings you to Truth. The unveiling is the beginning of evolving. Hmmmmmmmm I am here, to serve you. Eat to be Healthy. "Project Drive Thru" is to manifest in an unconventional way. It will manifest over night (so to speak) as The People of this Nation make their Choice known.
However....back to the Herbal Teas...I have found that, because they are Not Whole Food; thus, don't forget to eat! Balance is always important. Tea also is Not Water. Herbals working to rid toxins, and sludge..etc..needs water intake too. I drink Distilled water adding free water molecules for use in my body. I love having Crystal Springs water. They deliver 5 gal. bottles of distilled :) and, the unit gives me instant HOT HOT water and cold. My grandsons, knowing room-temp water is best; started adding a little of the HOT to their cold :) they are so smart and so wonderful....awwwww I love them so MUCH.
Eating Healthy begins with Water intake. Then adding whole raw juice's; I'll copy/paste my posted twitter recipe next entry.
A way to always have what u need on hand :)
To aid your body for the results you want; start with the digestive system. Drinking water has already moistened to prepare for removal and movement of toxins / wastes / etc... Water has also prepared the urinary system for elimenation. Keep drinking water; Don't let stuff get stuck! I found that when I got a stomach ache and drank a glass of water it went away. I figured something got stuck. It worked every time. Stuff like that reminds you how important Water is; especially as the body is cleaning.
Starting with the digestive system also clear the pathway for toxins dumped from the Liver; this is a daily occurance of the body. It is said that the Liver dumps during sleep 2 -4 am. Hmmmm
Signs of Liver back up would be issues of the skin. Hmmmmmm
Most American's carry 20 - 40 lbs of backed up waste. Truly.... all issues start in the digestive system. This is one system where nutrients are absorbed and enter the blood stream. Think of the backed up wall the the intestine... HMMMMMMMMMM
To eat healthy takes a oneness with your self. An internal knowing of the Me Myself and I
Make a deal with ur self....the body you will feed it what is needed....ur internal knowing, agree that u understand that it knows what to do; and all about how it works inside. Then you argee with ur self that a reminder be sent if u lag in feeding and drinking water. THIS IS WORKING WITH UR SELF and not createing havoc within. Think feeding not calories, carbs etc... You are in need of all. Start simple... ADDING more Water and LFF's. We can truly, only depend on ourself, to follow thru on new steps and being consistent with new things. That's what I do. I still have to chat with myself on matters :) no... there are no voices ; )
I think I mentioned on twitter that I seem to be getting unconsistent with my juice making. This happened before. I understood it as: my body needed more. It needed builders...nutrition from veggies, grains, herbs, sprouts. etc.. Adding the stuff messed with the flavor of my drinks yuck and not pretty color...I created what I called the "Power Cube" . We also used it at the shop. One Power Cube in a smoothie/juice awesome results and no taste :)
So, as I listen to myself, and a self that is being insistent...I am going to make a batch of Power Cubes. Of course I will share on a new entry. OH new Idea...I could breakdown everything (powder type flour) package for folks to just add water and freeze. Hey, not everyone has all the grains etc.... Hmmmmmmmmmm Keep an I on Ebay come Nov. I'll be posting Healthy gift basket and Health snacks. Search: Vegetarian, Vegan, Gift Basket, Healthy Snacks.
Snack Towards Health